Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Back to School -Story Time

Let's be honest here my summers was mostly fun, on the go, tiring, and adventures since I could remember. Fast forward to back to school time, it was dreadful for me, Elementary I never really understood how certain educators got away with half the things they did. Oh boy middle school was a trip, we did have uniforms but somehow I still made those uncomfortable for myself. I think around this time I was really wishing I had an older sibling because I knew NOTHING. Not only with my education did it feel like I was trying to catch up every single day but as a teenager I completely went through those phases. Sure, I worked hard to get descent grades but it was always me trying to figure out the concept being taught that day. Most of my childhood I always had two hard working, go getter's, determined, set goal, intelligent parents who decided from really early on that their past mistakes were not going to determine their future. With that being said, they were around, yes,  but they were on a journey ,trying to figure things out as well. My godmother has always been the type of person that makes you laugh especially if you are gloomy. But she remained in the old ways, school to her wasn't something that was "important" but learning certain values or things to do for yourself as a girl would come more into play as you grew older. The summer of high school, my school was still not open since it was still under construction. I went to summer school near by and that's when I learned there is a lot of evil human beings. Not in the school, but I remember one time we had early dismissal so two of my friends and myself voted to just walk home it wasn't that far anyways. Oh man was that a mistake, we got followed by two creepy, evil, and horrible men, we hid for awhile and when we got a chance we ran all the way to our homes. Let me tell you from that day forward, I never once walked home I rather wait for my mom or anyone that was picking me up an hour than go through that again. The hard part of high school was all these things being taught to us were interesting but my brain for whatever reason refused to simply understand it. I always heard knowledge is powerful and yes it is but not because you are a know it all but because NO ONE can take that away from you ever. If you put in your all to learn something and understand it then it's up to you how to test it in real life. Anyways with that being said, I completely understand the why do we have to go school mood, but trust me push through it because it is all worth it. I remember my dad always saying, I want you go to school and finish your education because I want you to have the time to spend with your children when you are older. Guess what, I might of not done exactly everything like I planned but I do get to raise my son and spend every day with him. I now tell my brother (he is starting his senior year of high school) you need to go beyond what you think you are capable because there is a whole generation that depends on intelligent and kind human souls like you to make sure there is a future.

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